






2018.09-2022.11,江西农业大学 4556银河国际,讲师

2012.09-2018.06,南京农业大学 植物保护学院,农业昆虫与害虫防治,农学博士

2008.09-2012.06,江西农业大学 4556银河国际,植物保护,农学学士


昆虫生理毒理与害虫综合治理,主要围绕重大农业害虫与病原微生物的免疫互作机制RNA干扰等植保新技术的开发等开展研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,江西省自然科学基金和教育厅科学基金项目各1项,国家自然科学基金项目6项。在Journal of Pest ScienceInsect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI论文27篇。获授权专利1项,参编教材1部。


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目32102223白僵菌感染二化螟增效RNAi分子靶标筛选及其功能鉴定,2022-012024-12在研,主持

2. 江西省自然科学基金青年基金项目,20224BAB215019,二化螟RNAi通路抵御苏云金芽孢杆菌侵染的功能解析,2023/01-2024/12,在研,主持

3. 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目,GJJ180216,二化螟和赤拟谷盗体内dsRNA降解调节RNA干扰效率的分子机制,2019/01-2021/12,已结题,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072488,青蛙食物网结构及生物控害功能对高标准农田生境变化的响应,2021/01-2024/12,在研,参加

5. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金,32060642,核受体FTZ-F1介导保幼激素信号调控棉铃虫卵黄发生的机制研究,2021/01-2024/12,在研,参加

6. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金,31960100,中国陆生等足目整合分类学研究,2020/01-2023/12,在研,参加

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31871995,新型杀虫剂Fluralaner与靶标GABA受体的分子互作机制研究,2019/01-2022/12,在研,参加

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31672053,害虫基因干扰中的dsRNA序列相关脱靶效应,2017/01-2020/12,已结题,参加

9. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,31501672,二化螟GABA受体的组成及其药理学特性研究,2016/01-2018/12,已结题,参加

10. 江西省自然科学基金重点项目,20202ACBL205004,核受体FTZ-F1调控棉铃虫卵黄发生的机制研究,2020/01-2022/12,在研,参加

11. 江西省自然科学基金面上项目,20212BAB205004,转录因子Taiman应答保幼激素信号调控棉铃虫卵黄发生的机制研究,2021/01-2023/12,在研,参加




1. Miano, F. N., Jiang, T., Zhang, J., Zhang, W. N., Peng, Y. C.*, & Xiao, H. J.* (2022). Identification and up-regulation of three small heat shock proteins in summer and winter diapause in response to temperature stress in Pieris melete. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 209, 1114-1154.

2. Peng, Y. C. #, Zhao, J. #, Sun, Y. #, Wan, P., Hu, Y. Y., Luo, G. H., Qin, W. J. & Huang, S. J.* (2021). Insights into chlorantraniliprole resistance of Chilo suppressalis: Expression profiles of ATP-binding cassette transporter genes in strains ranging from low-to high-level resistance. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 24(2), 224-231.

3. Peng, Y. C., Zhu, G. H.*, Wang, K. X., Chen, J. S., Liu, X. L., Wu, M., Zhao, C. Q., Xiao, H. J.*, Palli, S. R. & Han, Z. J.* (2021). Knockout of SldsRNase1 and SldsRNase2 revealed their function in dsRNA degradation and contribution to RNAi efficiency in the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura. Journal of Pest Science, 94, 1449–1460.

4. Peng, Y. C., Wang, K. X., Chen, J. S., Wang, J. D., Zhang, H. N., Ze, L. J., Zhao, C. Q., Xiao, H. J., & Han, Z. J.* (2020). Identification of a double-stranded RNA-degrading nuclease influencing both ingestion and injection RNA interference efficiency in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 125: 103440.

5. Peng, Y. C., Wang, K. X., Zhu, G. H., Han, Q. X., Chen, J. S, Elzaki, M. E. A., Sheng, C. W., Zhao, C. Q., Palli, S. R., & Han, Z. J.* (2020). Identification and characterization of multiple dsRNases from a lepidopteran insect, the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 162, 86-95.

6. Peng, Y. C., Wang, K. X., Fu, W. X., Sheng, C. W., & Han, Z. J.* (2018). Biochemical comparison of dsRNA degrading nucleases in four different insects. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 624.

7. Peng, Y. C.#, Sheng, C. W.#, Casida, J. E., Zhao, C. Q.*, & Han, Z. J.* (2017). Ryanodine receptor genes of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis: Molecular cloning, alternative splicing and expression profiling. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 135, 69-77.

8. Shen, X., Peng, Y. C., Song, H. F., Wang, J. D., Zhao, J., Tang, P. A., Han, Z. J., & Wang, K. X.* (2021). Key factors determining competitions between double-stranded RNAs in Tribolium castaneum. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 105009.

9. Chen, J. S., Peng, Y. C., Zhang, H. N., Wang, K. X., Tang, Y. J., Gao, J., Zhao, C. Q., Zhu, G. H., Palli, S. R. & Han, Z. (2021). Transcript level is a key factor affecting RNAi efficiency. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 176, 104872.

10. Chen, J. S., Peng, Y. C., Zhang, H. N., Wang, K. X., Zhao, C. Q., Zhu, G. H., Palli, S. R., & Han, Z. J.* (2021). Off-target effects of RNAi correlate with the mismatch rate between dsRNA and non-target mRNA. RNA Biology, 18(11): 1747-1759.

11. Wang, K. X., Peng, Y. C., Chen, J. S., Peng, Y., Wang, X. S., Shen, Z. H., & Han, Z. J.* (2019). Comparison of efficacy of RNAi mediated by various nanoparticles in the rice striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 165, 104467.

12. Wang, K. X., Peng, Y. C., Fu, W. X., Shen, Z. H., & Han, Z. J.* (2018). Key factors determining variations in RNAi efficacy mediated by different dsRNA lengths in Tribolium castaneum. Insect Molecular Biology, 28(2), 235-245.

13. Zhu, G. H., Peng, Y. C., Zheng, M. Y., Zhang, X. Q., Sun, J. B., Huang, Y. P., & Dong, S. L.* (2017). CRISPR/Cas9 mediated BLOS2 knockout resulting in disappearance of yellow strips and white spots on the larval integument in Spodoptera litura. Journal of Insect Physiology, 103, 29-35.

14. Wang, K. X., Peng, Y. C., Pu, J., Fu, W. X., Wang, J. L., & Han, Z. J.* (2016). Variation in RNAi efficacy among insect species is attributable to dsRNA degradation in vivo. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 77, 1-9.

15. Liu, X. L., Zhang, J., Yan, Q., Miao, C. L., Han, W. K., Hou, W., Yang, K., Hansson, B. S., Peng, Y. C., Guo, J. M., Xu, H., Wang, C. Z., Dong, S. L.*, & Knaden, M.* (2020). The molecular basis of host selection in a crucifer-specialized moth. Current Biology, 30(22), 4476-4482.


1. 江西省昆虫学会秘书长

2. 中国昆虫学会理事

3. 中国植物保护学会——青年工作委员会委员

4. 中国昆虫学会昆虫生理生化与分子生物学专业委员会青年委员

5. SCI期刊审稿:Pesticide Biochemistry and PhysiologyInsects
