














1. 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于光谱和组学技术研究安托芬对柑橘采后青霉病菌的作用靶点及抑菌分子机制32002104, 2021-2023, 24万元

2. 主持,江西省自然科学基金面上项目,基于蛋白组和代谢组技术研究乔松苷对意大利青霉的抑菌靶点及分子作用机理20212BAB205011, 2021-2023, 10万元 

3. 主持,江西省自然科学基金青年项目,五指毛桃果抑制柑橘采后意大利青霉的活性成分分离、鉴定及作用机理研究20171BAB214031, 2017-2019, 6万元 

4. 主持,江西省教育厅科技计划一般项目,基于脂质组学技术的乔松苷抑制意大利青霉作用机理GJJ180175, 2019-2021, 3万元 

5. 主持,江西农业大学新进教师科研启动经费,jxau2016001, 15万元 

6. 参与,国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,鹅绒藤属植物中菲并吲哚里西啶生物碱分离、结构修饰及抑菌机理研究,31760598, 2018-2021, 38万元

7. 参与,国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,桂枝抑制柑橘青霉病和绿霉病菌活性成分分离鉴定及抑菌机理研究31460533, 2015-2018, 55万元

8. 参与,国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,细胞壁蔗糖转化酶基因(AoCWIN1)调控绿芦笋采后品质变化的分子机理,31860581, 2019-2022, 40万元

9. 参与,江西省现代农业(柑橘)产业技术体系XARS-07, 2016-2022, 320万元

10. 参与,江西省优势科技创新团队,柑橘植物源保鲜剂关键技术研究,20181BCB240052018-202130

五. 发表论文(部分代表文章)

1) 第一作者, 2022. Lignin biosynthesis pathway and redox balance act synergistically in conferring resistance against Penicillium italicum infection in 7-demethoxytylophorine-treated navel orange. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c02348.

2) 第一作者, 2022. Cell wall modification and lignin biosynthesis involved in disease resistance against Diaporthe citri in harvested pummelo fruit elicited by carvacrol. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102, 11657.

3) 通讯作者, 2022. Antofine triggers the resistance against Penicillium italicum in Ponkan fruit by driving AsA-GSH cycle and ROS-scavenging system. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 874430

4) 第一作者, 2022. Pinocembrin-7-glucoside provides a novel strategy for preventing citrus postharvest blue mold caused by Penicillium italicum. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 25, 100566.

5) 第一作者, 2022. Carvacrol delays Phomopsis stem-end rot development in pummelo fruit in relation to maintaining energy status and antioxidant system. Food Chemistry, 372, 131239.

6) 第一作者, 2021. Mitigating effects of chitosan coating on postharvest senescence and energy depletion of harvested pummelo fruit response to granulation stress. Food Chemistry, 348, 129113.

7) 第一作者, 2021. Suppression on postharvest juice sac granulation and cell wall modification by chitosan treatment in harvested pummelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) stored at room temperature. Food Chemistry, 336, 127636.

8) 通讯作者, 2021. Gum arabic edible coating reduces postharvest decay and alleviates nutritional quality deterioration of Ponkan fruit during cold storage. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, 717596.

9) 第一作者, 2020. UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS-based metabolomics approach reveals the antifungal potential of pinocembroside against citrus Green mold phytopathogen. Plants, 9(1), 17 (植物科学ESI高倍引).

10) 第一作者, 2020. A flavonone pinocembroside inhibits Penicillium italicum growth and blue mold development in ‘Newhall’ navel oranges by targeting membrane damage mechanism. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 165, 104505.

11) 共同通讯, 2020. Chitosan coating alleviates postharvest juice sac granulation by mitigating ROS accumulation in harvested pummelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) during room temperature storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 169, 111309.

12) 第一作者, 2022. Pinocembrin-7-glucoside provides a novel strategy for preventing citrus postharvest blue mold caused by Penicillium italicum. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 25, 100566.

13) 共同一作, 2021. The antifungal activity of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) leaves extract against Penicillium digitatum. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, 663584.

14) 第一作者, 2021. Extraction optimization of antifungal compounds from Thalictrum foliolosum DC. roots. South African Journal of Botany, 138, 328-336.

15) 通讯作者, 2021. Effects of pre-harvest gibberellic acid spray on endogenous hormones and fruit quality of kumquat (Citrus japonica) fruits. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 49(2-3), 211-224.

16) 第一作者, 2020. Antioxidant, antifungal activities of ethnobotanical Ficus hirta Vahl. and analysis of main constituents by HPLC-MS. Biomedicines, 8(1), 15.

17) 第一作者, 2020. Pinocembrin-7-Glucoside (P7G) reduced postharvest blue mold of navel orange by suppressing Penicillium italicum growth. Microorganisms, 8(4), 536.

18) 第一作者, 2019. Inhibitory Effect of 7-demethoxytylophorine on Penicillium italicum and its possible mechanism. Microorganisms, 7(2), 36.

19) 共同通讯, 2019. Comprehensive evaluation of the postharvest antioxidant capacity of Majiayou pomelo harvested at different maturities based on PCA. Antioxidants, 8(5), 136.

20) 第一作者, 2019. Clove essential oil as an alternative approach to control postharvest blue mold caused by Penicillium italicum in citrus fruit. Biomolecules, 9(5), 197.

21) 第一作者, 2019. Preservation of Xinyu tangerines with an wdible coating using Ficus hirta Vahl. fruits extract-incorporated chitosan. Biomolecules, 9(2), 46.

22) 第一作者, 2019. 白薇生物碱类成分抑制柑橘采后青霉病菌活性. 果树学报, 36(1), 94-102.

23) 第一作者, 2019. 热水处理对新余蜜橘采后贮藏品质的影响. 食品与发酵工业, 45(5), 140-144.

24) 第一作者, 2018. Chitosan-based coating enriched with hairy fig (Ficus hirta Vahl.) fruit extract for “Newhall” navel orange preservation. Coatings, 8(12), 445-456.

25) 第一作者, 2017. Physiological and biochemical responses in cold-stored citrus fruits to carboxymethyl cellulose coating containing ethanol extract of Impatiens balsamina L. stems. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(1), 12999.

26) 第一作者, 2017. 凤仙透骨草提取液对新余蜜橘采后生理相关酶活性的影响. 中国食品学报, 17(6), 138-144.

27) 第一作者, 2017. 21种药用植物提取物对柑橘青霉病抑菌作用的筛选及白薇醇提物对脐橙青霉病的防治效果. 植物保护学报, 43(4), 614-620.

28) 第一作者, 2016. Ficus hirta fruits extract incorporated into an alginate-based edible coating for Nanfeng mandarin preservation. Scientia Horticulturae, 202, 41-48. (2021年全球园艺学Top100高质量论文)

29) 第一作者, 2016. Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose coating enriched with clove oil on postharvest quality of ‘Xinyu’ mandarin oranges. Fruits, 71(5), 319-327.

30) 第一作者, 2015. Optimization of Antifungal Extracts from Ficus hirta Fruits Using Response Surface Methodology and Antifungal Activity Tests. Molecules, 20(11), 19648-19659.

31) 第一作者, 2014. 凤仙透骨草提取液复合涂膜对新余蜜橘常温保鲜效果的影响. 果树学报, 31(3), 468-476.

32) 第一作者, 2014. 热水处理对冷藏新余蜜橘活性氧代谢的调节. 食品与发酵工业, 40(1), 238-243.


六. 授权专利

1) 第一发明人, 一种新的苯乙酸酯类化合物及其制备方法和用途.

2) 第二发明人, 从五指毛桃果中提取乔松素-7-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷的方法及其用途.

3) 第二发明人, 一种五指毛桃提取物的制备方法及其制备的五指毛桃提取物和用途

4) 第二发明人, 一种唐松草属植物提取物的制备方法及其制备的唐松草属植物提取物和用途.

5) 第二发明人, 一种三颗针提取物的制备方法及其制备的唐松草属植物提取物和用途.


七. 学生培养

目前协助团队负责人陈金印教授培养硕士毕业生4人。2014级硕士生彭旋以第一作者发表CSCD核心论文6篇,荣获2016年研究生国家奖学金和2018年江西省优秀硕士学位论文;2016级硕士生聂正朋以第一作者发表SCI论文(中科院1) 2篇和CSCD核心论文1篇,荣获2018年研究生国家奖学金。2017级硕士生蔡楠以第一作者发表SCI论文3CSCD核心论文1中文核心论文1篇。2018硕士生黄强以第一作者发表SCI论文(中科院1)1EI收录1荣获2021研究生江西省政府奖学金



电子邮箱:cy.chen@jxau.edu.cn;  ccy0728@126.com


